
Welcome to this weblog about leadership in education.

Here you will find a lot of practical information about building a collaborative and learning culture as a team and the role of the school leader in this. Although the weblog focuses mainly on the education sector, a large part of the information may also be useful outside education.

Manon Ruijters (2006) says the following about learning:

 “Learning is no longer just about the explicit transfer of knowledge from one person to another. It is now also about sharing knowledge, about creating new insights, about bringing about innovations, about everything that happens between the lines (implicit learning), about learning with and from each other (collective learning), about discovering yourself…. and much more." 

The way people learn has changed forever with the advent of the internet and social media. We can increasingly speak of a 'free flow of information and knowledge'. We hope to be able to make a small contribution to this through this blog.

We hope you enjoy reading it !


                  – “ To be surprised, to wonder, is to begin to understand.”     –

       (Jose Ortega y Gasset)



Ruijters, M. (2006). Liefde voor leren: Over diversiteit van leren en ontwikkelen in en van organisaties. Deventer: Kluwer.